Ask Abbie

Abbie is the webmaster of She has worked as an online dating company staff for almost 5 years and answered numerous feedbacks from online daters. If you have any questions about sugar daddy relationships and sugar daddy sites, you are welcome to contact Abbie via email.
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers About Sugar Dating
What Is A Sugar Daddy Like?
A sugar daddy is a man who gives allowance, gifts or any type of benefits to a much younger beautiful woman in return for her company or sexual favors. A sugar daddy is usually rich, older than 40, and successful in career. He could be single, married, divorced, divorce pending, separated or widowed. He could have a wife or girlfriend and still wants a companion who is much younger and more beautiful. He could be a billionaire, millionaire, or an average middle-class man who is financially stable so he can afford to support a sugar baby.
What Is A Sugar Baby Like?
A sugar baby can be a man or woman who is good-looking and young and lack of money to enjoy the finer things in life. A sugar baby could be a college student who cannot afford college tuition, or a newly graduate who cannot find a job, or a single mom who cannot make the ends meet. They are willing to date much older men or women for exotic trips, expensive gifts, luxurious lifestyle or allowance on a regular basis.
Is Sugar Dating Illegal?
A sugar baby is not a prostitute. Sometimes there is no money or sex involved. Sometimes a sugar daddy and a sugar baby has real connections. Even if money and sex are involved, it's not only money-for-sex exchange. A sugar baby also spends time for dinner with her sugar daddy. A sugar daddy relationship is also called an arrangement, which can be any format, for example, traveling for free to exotic place along with a sugar daddy. There do be some prostitutes using sugar daddy websites to earn money with their body but sugar daddy websites will block them as soon as they are found.
For What Reason Does A Man Become A Sugar Daddy?
- A sugar daddy does’t just give allowances to a sugar baby but also get her time, body and companionship in return.
- If a man has no time to get married or be serious for a particular woman, it is an amazing thing to be someone’s sugar daddy.
- He does’t have to give any commitment to the woman.
- The woman does not give any commitment to him; it is no serious relationship.
- He gets the most gorgeous ‘arm candy’.
- He can take her to all of his business parties and impress his clients.